Friday, October 8, 2010

How to Make a Frozen Pizza Delicious

Ricotta Pesto Pizza with Black Olives and Vine Tomatoes


1 Frozen Pizza
A handful of Basil
2 Cloves Garlic
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
1-2 Cups Ricotta Cheese

Vine Tomatoes
Black Olives

Chop the basil and garlic. Add olive oil, salt and pepper.

Scrape the Pesto into a bowl and mix with ricotta cheese.

Slice the Tomatoes and black olives and whatever else you would like to add to your pizza.

Spread the Pesto-Ricotta mix onto the frozen pizza then add the tomatoes and olives.

Bake the pizza according to the directions on the box.

You now have a quick and easy meal.

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