Thursday, July 8, 2010

Corn Salad

I wanted to make a salad and couldn't find any lettuce in the refridgerator. I did however, find some leftover corn on the cob from our weekend Barbaque. I cut the corn off the cob and came up with a quick salad. Everything else was gathered from our garden outside.

* 1 Cup corn
* 1 Small tomato, chopped
* 1 Handful, basil, cilantro or parsley chopped
* 1 half lemon
* 1 Tbsp olive oil
* 1 Tsp red chili pepper
* Salt and papper to taste

1. Mix all ingredients in a large serving bowl and enjoy.

* Even if you have limited space, an mini garden is a great way to always have fresh herbs on hand. Our garden consists of mint leaves, oregano, basil, dill as well as some tomato vines and jalapeno pepper plants.

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